Stephen Colbert used Halloween candy to demonstrate what socialism is to Donald Trump Jr., who tweeted a misinformed example using his daughter.
When it comes to politics, Colbert agreed that you leave children out of the mix. He prefaced his lesson to Trump Jr. by expressing that rules don't apply when it comes to the Trump family.
The tweet that started it all was when Don Jr. posted a photo of his daughter Chloe looking dejected holding up a half-empty bucket of Halloween candy. He captioned the photo, saying, "I’m going to take half of Chloe’s candy tonight & give it to some kid who sat at home. It’s never to [sic] early to teach her about socialism."
&"Yes, it's never too early to teach kids the danger of sharing," he said, but also took a swipe at Jr. "Also, it's never too early to learn the proper spelling of 'too.'"
"I bet that other ‘o’ went to a poor person,” Colbert added, to uproarious laughter. But the studio audience wasn't even close to being prepared for the lesson to follow.
Colbert deconstructed the ritual of trick or treating to explain what socialism is as an example.
“On Halloween, kids literally go door to door to get free candy from the neighbors because the kids don’t have it and the neighbors do,” Colbert said. “That’s socialism.”
The Late Show host then proceeded to demonstrate economic theory by using Halloween candy. And there was some sweet satisfaction in his demonstration.
Holding up a box Junior Mints, he addressed Donald Trump's eldest son. "You, 'Junior,' were born with many '100-Grand,'" Colbert said, while replacing the chocolate mints with a bar of 100 Grands and completing the statement with, "On '5th Avenue.'"
More candy came down the assembly line to provide visual aid for the monologue. “The American people find themselves be-‘Twix’t two choices,” Colbert said, while holding a Twix. “Wealth redistribution, or empower a ‘Nutrageous’ demagogue by giving him the ‘Warheads.’ The top 1 percent ‘Toblerone’ 99 percent of the wealth, when there should be ‘Good & Plenty’ of money for everybody.’”
But the best was saved for last. "I know we're having a lot of 'Snickers' at your expense, but one thing's for sure. You're a total 'Douche.'" Because if there's no candy bar to reflect the sentiment, why not just make one up?
And that's how Stephen Colbert destroyed destroyed Donald Trump Jr.'s Halloween.
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