If there are any single men out there who find it difficult to secure a steady relationship with women, they may want to set their egos aside.
Sometimes, the answer to the question "Why am I still single?" is embedded within guys who always seem to place blame on women when things go wrong but never look to themselves as the determining factor.
Curious to hear examples, Redditor maelovesdorks asked:
"Women, what's something that immediately kills your interest in a man?"
Some guys don't understand the art of conversation.
"Interrupting me frequently or only talking about himself"
– LaughingVeil
"I have a friend who does this to women he's interested in because he is nervous, but whenever I try to tell him about it, he insists he doesn't, and has even told me others have tried to talk to him about it and he doesn't understand why."
"I love him so much, but jeeze louise."
– yanwfactory
Exes and Ohhhs
"Or his ex....check please!"
– opossumqueenfl
"You sound just like my ex. Let me tell you how terrible all my exes are and how I'm the sane one and none of the breakups were my fault. Hey, where you going? I thought things were going well!"
– Ninja_attack
One-Sided Convo
"I hate people that don’t return questions like
”& what about you?”
– The_Gaming_Matt
"Seriously. I went to lunch with a male friend once after not seeing him for awhile. He talked about himself the entire time without giving me a chance to speak or asking about how I was doing."
"Only once in the conversation did he finally pause long enough for me to say something. I got a couple sentences in about some deep stuff going on in my life, and instead of responding or acknowledging this in anyway, he immediately starts talking about himself again."
"Clearly I’m still bitter about it. 😅"
– notsobitter
These annoying traits are instant turn-offs.
Most Wanted List
"Bragging about how many other women are after him."
– sixsevenoxxx
"This exactly. I had one guy who liked me tell me how theres three other girls who think he is so cute at work. I told him he should ask them out."
"Lol he got all mad at the fact I didnt even try and stop him. His game was to try and see if I got jelous and all it did was piss me off."
– Turtle9015
"men will see this and think the opposite is the way to go then. now you're going to get a bunch of guys telling you how no women are after them."
The Pitch
"Trying to sell his moral character to me. Talking about how loyal he is or what a great dad he is. How all his friends turn to him if they ever need help… then has literally nothing nice to say about anyone in his life."
"Putting down his own friends and family and pointing out their weaknesses because 'he would never do what they do.'"
– krasavetsa
"Seriously! I dated a guy when I was younger who constantly talked about how he hated other people. 'Oh Susie? I hate her. John? He’s an idiot, I hate him. Bradly? Ugh, can’t stand the guy - I hate him.'”
"Like dude, do you really hate everybody? Because that’s how it comes across!"
– Keelera2
"Met this guy. Had a night of incredible sex and I was ready for another round until he got up to go to the bathroom. He had a MASSIVE case of the runs (which I totally understand), BUT he came back to bed without washing his hands."
"I asked him to please wash his hands if he's thinking about getting back into bed with me & his response was, 'But there's no sh*t on my hands, so why do I have to wash up.'"
– natasha_c
Passive Companionship
"When they don't express genuine interest in you as a person regularly and in a way that forms secure attachment."
– livsd_
"this would be my number one answer as well. The bare minimum for any relationship to work."
– Professional_Fox3371
Presumptious Much?
"Immediately asking for sex or nudes, calls me pet names 5 seconds after we met. Asking me to stay overnight with him if I’ve already made it clear that I’m not looking for a one night stand. When they says things like 'when we start dating I’m going to do blah blah blah' as if he automatically assumes that our talking stage will move forward."
– briiiiires9
And sometimes, actions speak louder than words.
How Others Are Treated
"Cruelty towards other people."
– lck44
"This, and making jokes at other's expense."
– Many-Conclusion2217
No Boundaries
"Being sexual right off the bat, talking over me, being rude to service industry people."
– Electrical-Coconut66
"Show off, disrespect, mean."
– thefake_username
"Throwing garbage in the street, such a small act that tells so much about someone."
– rina__mazlih
Brad Needs To Chill
"Overly aggressive guys who try and pick fights with other guys. We aren’t gorillas, that’s not gonna impress me. Calm down, Brad."
– EmiliusReturns
Mean To Those Who Can't Speak For Themselves
"Cruelty to animals. It's a sign."
– Casca_In_Red
"I had a crow follow me home that I usually feed peanuts, then I got to pet 2 adorable cats and I saw a squirrel sunbathing on the moss on my garage roof ☺️. It took a nap, I've never seen that before lol. This has been a great morning 🌄"
– ImperialFuturistics
The main takeaway here is that guys should never be presumptuous by assuming they're not the reason why the woman who previously showed interest suddenly did a 180 on them.
Look, nobody is perfect.
But the man who acknowledges his faults and works on them to be a better person will always stand out as an attractive quality for any person looking for love.