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Woman Faithfully Tends To Her 'Perfect Plant' For Two Whole Years Before Discovering It's Actually Fake

Woman Faithfully Tends To Her 'Perfect Plant' For Two Whole Years Before Discovering It's Actually Fake
Halfpoint Images via Getty Images

Name your biggest "DUH" moment.

Go on!

We love that kinda stuff because we've all been there.

For your trouble, we have a "DUH" moment for you from the world of plant-care.

First, here's a bit of trivia. Succulents are the most popular plant type among millennials.

They're pretty easy to keep alive, they're nice-looking plants—all millennial values. Ya know, low-maintenance and good aesthetic.

But Caelie Wilkes was all but fooled by her precious plant.

"I've had this beautiful succulent for about 2 years now. I was so proud of this plant. It was full, beautiful coloring, just an over all perfect plant. I had it up in my kitchen window. I had a watering plan for it, if someone else tried to water my succulent I would get so defensive because I just wanted to keep good care of it. I absolutely loved my succulent."

But that love was about to be betrayed.

"Today I decided it was time to transplant, I found the cutest vase, that suited it perfectly. I go to pull it from the original plastic container it was purchased with to learn this plant was FAKE. I put so much love into this plant! I washed its leaves. Tried my hardest to keep it looking it's best, and it's completely plastic! How did I not know this. I pull it from the container it's sitting on Styrofoam with sand glued to the top! I feel like these last two years have been a lie."

What a way to find out you've been living a lie.

Wilkes, a 24-year-old stay-at-home mom, is not the only person to have fallen for a fake plant.

Two years, though? That seems like a ridiculously long time.

But, c'est la vie. Once upon a time, that succulent brought her happiness.

Is that feeling of joy invalid just because it's fake?