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'Wheel Of Fortune' Contestant Goes Viral For His Relatable Disagreement With Puzzle Category

Recent contestant Ben voiced his hilarious disapproval of a 'fun and games' final puzzle after being unable to solve it—and even the show agreed 'he has a point.'

"Wheel of Fortune" puzzle board; contestant giving a thumbs-up

A contestant on a recent episode of Wheel of Fortune disagreed with the correct answer to a puzzle he failed to solve and Pat Sajac agreed with him.

In the bonus round of the popular game show now in its 40th season, the feisty player from California named Ben did his darnedest to guess the incomplete phrase in the category of “Fun and Games.”

After filling the puzzle board with R, S, T, L, N, E and adding the consonants M, H, C and the vowel, A, Ben was left with:

A _ _ N _ A _ _ _ C _ _ _ _

"Taunt a chuck guy," he guessed incorrectly, and went on to offer, "chance guy."

He continued hurling other options but nothing seemed to stick.

"No, there's no C. Wacky guy...taunt a wacky guy."

Alas, the buzzer sounded off followed by our sarcastic host commenting:

"Ooh that was so unclose."

The puzzle revealed the phrase, which read:

"Taking a quick jog."

“You just didn’t have the letters,” said Sajak about Ben's loss in the round.

But Ben was not having it.

He refused to accept the fact the correct answer qualified in the suggested category.

So Ben told it like it is.

“I just don’t consider jogging fun and games."

You tell them, Ben.

Here is a clip of the play.

He was a good sport about it, however, and gave the camera a thumbs up suggesting he knew viewers were with him on this.

Sajak then responded with, “Oh, well, there you go," and then faced the camera expressing he could see Ben's point.

"That wasn’t bad.”

Online, those who watched Ben being outspoken also agreed with his stance on jogging.

People were amused by the quirky contestant.

Ben may have lost the round but he made up for it by gaining admirers.

Well played, Ben.

Well played.