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Viral Video Of A Group Of Christians Singing Worship Songs On An Airplane Sparks Heated Debate

Viral Video Of A Group Of Christians Singing Worship Songs On An Airplane Sparks Heated Debate

A viral clip showing a number of passengers singing religious music accompanied by a singer strumming an acoustic guitar in the aisle of an EasyJet flight has polarized the internet.

According to TMZ, the deleted clip was originally posted on Facebook by Jack Jensz Jr., a pastor and a co-founder of Kingdom Realm Ministries–a religious organization based in Philadelphia.

The clip was reposted on Twitter by user @davenewworld_2, where it racked up over 18.6 million views.

The account tweeted the video with the following caption:

"Imagine you get on a plane and you have to listen to this."

In the clip, a handful of passengers can be seen singing along to what appears to be a song of praise while other neighboring passengers look visibly unamused by the unexpected in-flight entertainment.

Twitter users gave mixed responses to the airborne religious experience.

Some people ignored the negative comments and gave the performance high praise...

...but a strong majority didn't.

Even Christians questioned the group's methods.

A trapped audience doesn't usually engender endearment.

While the date of the religious performance is unclear, Jensz Jr. posted the clip on Instagram dated April 9.

But the media outlet did find Jensz Jr. and his congregation had been in Europe recently, helping provide aid to Ukrainian refugees after their country's invasion by Russia.

Their humanitarian mission was verified on Instagram by Jensz Jr.'s wife, Lily, who posted a picture of them handling a large collection of groceries.

“Church, because of your generosity, we were able to supply a van full of medicine, food, hygiene products to two pastors who host refugees in their cities from Eastern Ukraine as well as help their congregation and city as products are impossible to get now in their area," she wrote in the post's caption, adding, “They were overwhelmed with your generosity!”

According to the congregation's Facebook timeline, TMZ said the clip could have been from the group's flight to Germany around April 9–which would indicate the viral clip is over a week old.