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U.S. Marines Twitter Account Called Out For Using Photo Of Rainbow Bullets To Celebrate Pride

U.S. Marines Twitter Account Called Out For Using Photo Of Rainbow Bullets To Celebrate Pride
Phillip Faraone/FilmMagic/Getty Images; Alexander Spatari/Getty Images

The U.S. Marines' Twitter account marked LGBTQ Pride by posting a photo that did not quite stick the landing and riled both sides of the political aisle.

The image they tweeted was of a combat helmet adorned with rainbow bullets tucked into its surrounding band on which the inscription read, "Proud to serve."

The image was reminiscent of the 1987 Vietnam War movie poster Full Metal Jacket with the words, "Born to Kill" written on the helmet's surrounding band that held rounds of high-powered rifle ammo.

The U.S. Marine's intentions were good, which was evident in their caption.

It read:

"Throughout June, the USMC takes #Pride in recognizing and honoring the contributions of our LGBTQ service members."
"We remain committed to fostering an environment free from discrimination, and defend the values of treating all equally, with dignity and respect."

However, the LGBTQ community found the Marines' attempt at inclusivity off putting.

Many institutions and companies are criticized for claiming to be allies of the LGBTQ+ community just during Pride Month.

However, through the colors of the rainbow in their advertisements celebrating Pride month, these companies' true colors are revealed when they take little to no action in combating discrimination.

One user mentioned the case of 20-year-old Joseph Scott Pemberton, a member of the U.S. Marines who was charged with the 2014 murder of a Filipina trans woman.

He allegedly strangled 26-year-old Jennifer Laude to death in a motel room because he "felt violated and angry" after discovering she was trans.

Users also used sarcasm to slam the post.

The resemblance to the Full Metal Jacket movie poster with the "Born to Kill" message replaced by "Proud to Serve" was not lost on users.

Criticism also came from conservatives who claimed the post excluded straight service members.

Republican congressional candidate in Florida, Erick Aguilar, who sarcastically tweeted, "Ummmm….. Is this satire?”

A spokesperson for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis tweeted:

"Seriously? How does fixating on differences foster cohesion and unity?”

In spite of the objections to the post, this user saw unity in its division.