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WATCH: Ted Cruz Tells Bernie Sanders to 'Curb Your Enthusiasm'

WATCH: Ted Cruz Tells Bernie Sanders to 'Curb Your Enthusiasm'

During a town hall debate on CNN Wednesday evening, Ted Cruz cracked a painful dad joke at Bernie Sanders' expense.

The two senators, who were sparring over the new GOP tax plan, were in the midst of a heated debate when Cruz noted to an animated Sanders: "As some might say, curb your enthusiasm."

After a laugh from the crowd, Cruz went on to tell Sanders: "By the way, the impression Larry David does of you is spectacular, and uncanny."

Sanders replied: "And someday, you may also have somebody impersonating you."

"All I need is a bunch of left-wing comedy writers to want to glamorize it," Cruz speculated.

The reference Cruz alluded to is of special significance, since it was recently revealed that Larry David, the star of "Curb Your Enthusiasm," is, in fact, related to Sanders. David found out the mind-blowing connection when he was featured in an episode of the PBS program "Find Your Roots," which offers celebrities the chance to explore their familial lineage and history.

Cruz has been on a humor kick this week, starting when Sen. Ben Sasse accidentally spilled a Dr Pepper on Cruz, which led to an almost unbelievable Twitter exchange in which Cruz acknowledged and made fun of the theory that he's the Zodiac Killer, as well as Trump's recent claims that Cruz's father was involved in the assassination of President Kennedy.

Here's how that exchange went down:

For those who don't know, the image Cruz shared is one of the Zodiac Killer's famous encrypted letters.

Twitter was in shock:

But while Twitter may have appreciated Cruz's Twitter joke, not everyone was quite so sure that his joke to Sanders came from a good place:

But everyone else had a good laugh:

Well, maybe not everyone:

And Sanders clearly missed an opportunity to roast Cruz right back:

I guess we'll just have to hope for a rematch.

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H/T: Uproxx, Mashable, CNN