An adorable pup named Nori Porkchop from Seattle found viral fame after people pointed out that he looks like Seth Rogen.
And the actor approved.
The photo of the toy Australian shepherd and toy poodle mix originally appeared on his own Instagram page, "norichiban," over a year ago.
He went viral when Twitter user 41 Strange found the pup irresistible and wrote:
"Just look at his eyes and smile."
On Thursday, the Knocked Up actor responded to fans who tagged him in a photo of his furry doppleganger:
"I've been tagged by dozens of people saying I look like this dog and I couldn't be more flattered."
Do you see the resemblance?
Maybe this video bridging the short gap of likeness between species will bring things to focus.
...Or would props help?
Some saw Nori channeling other famous personalities.
Despite differing opinions, everyone can agree on one thing.
Known as the "dog with a human face," the Aussiedoodle is already a popular Instagram personality who has made TV appearances from England to Japan.
Nori and Boba belong to Seattle Refined editor, Tiffany Ngo, who described their conflicting personalities with a laugh.
"Nori is very sweet. He wants to be friends with everyone, all dogs and all humans. Boba is a little different."
"He's also very sweet but he's a little more stubborn."
"They're best friends. They're always together, they're always playing with each other. They'll play a lot and end up fighting so people say they're like real brothers."
Indeed, they are inseparable and too adorable for words – as you can see in the Instagram photos, below.
Nori's human "dad," Kevin Hurless, said that people gravitated towards a specific feature about the popular canine.
"What we get the most comments on are his eyes. People feel like the eyes and smile are what make him have human features."
"He's a very smiley dog and his eyes haven't changed since he was a puppy."
Nori's Instagram account currently has 17K followers.
He plans to raise the woof when he celebrates his birthday this month.
He may not look exactly like Seth Rogan, but Muttsy the plush dog is a pretty cute stand-in.