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Ricky Schroder Ripped After Melting Down Over Mask Mandate At Eisenhower Museum

Ricky Schroder Ripped After Melting Down Over Mask Mandate At Eisenhower Museum

Former child actor turned conspiracy theorist Ricky Schroder has had yet another public meltdown over being asked to wear a mask during the global pandemic.

This time, Schroder made a scene at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library & Museum in Abilene, Kansas where he took a pit stop while accompanying the United States version of last month's Canadian "Freedom Convoy" to Washington D.C.

Schroder, the star of the 80s sitcom Silver Spoons, filmed himself having an altercation with the museum's security guard, whom he called a "Nazi" for enforcing the federal institution's mask rules instead of "God's laws."

WWII veteran Eisenhower, one of the most progressive Republicans in the history of the party, would surely be so proud. Considering Eisenhower served as the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe, he probably had a better grasp on what actual Nazis were than a former child actor having a tantrum because he was mildly inconvenienced.

See Schroder's video below.

Schroder filmed himself harassing the security guards, demanding to know why they are enforcing mask rules and who made the rules in question. A guard replied that the rules are made by the National Archives and Records Administration, which Schroder derided as "Evil federal government, right?"

When the guard, who's surely been through this about a million times by this point, called that Schroder's opinion, Schroder then began berating the guard.

“That is my opinion. God’s laws are higher than the federal government’s, but you’re going to enforce man’s laws?”

We must have missed the part of the Bible where God talks about wearing a simple piece of fabric over our mouths to prevent the spread of a deadly disease. But that didn't stop Schroder from scolding the guard for being both anti-God and a Nazi for enforcing the mask rules.

"You don't know God... Dwight D. Eisenhower. The man who defeated the Nazis, and you've become one."

Eisenhower was actually to the left of even Bernie Sanders on some issues and would find this tantrum absurd, and the Nazis performed a genocide of at least 17 million people, but go off, Ricky.

The incident was just the latest in several unhinged videos from Schroder, who also recently filmed himself during a stop along the Freedom Convoy route threatening the federal government over mask and vaccine rules “because we’re not going to live as slaves." And last year, he filmed himself harassing Costco employees over the store's mask rules.

On Twitter, people condemned Schroder's ridiculous display.

After the trucker convoy Schroder joined previously halted in Maryland because participants were too scared to actually enter Washington, D.C., participants remounted their protest over masking rules that have already been lifted in most of the country by attempting to take over the Capital Beltway freeway. They have been stuck in the freeway's notorious traffic for two days.

Best of luck to them.