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Twitter User's Text Response To Aunt Who Won't Attend Gay Wedding Due To 'Christian Values' Rips Her A New One πŸ”₯

Twitter User's Text Response To Aunt Who Won't Attend Gay Wedding Due To 'Christian Values' Rips Her A New One πŸ”₯

A Twitter user is making waves after they called out an aunt who was selectively picking and choosing her Christian values.

A Twitter user who goes by the handle @TheDPGay posted an email exchange with a relative that points out what a slippery slope judgment can be. After @TheDPGay invited her to their wedding, the aunt replied she wouldn't be attending and gave her reason. That didn't fly with @TheDPGay who came back with some serious receipts.



At least Mom approved of the message.


Twitter approved as well.

Once they got over the shock of it all.

People from all walks approved.

There may be a lot of crashers.

We hope the couple has a lovely wedding. Everyone who should be there will be there.

H/T: Indy100, Pink News