Life is chuck full of annoyances.
Every day, in every way there is something or someone ready to set the rest of us off.
This is why we need meds, therapy, and chamomile tea.
When the simplest things can send you into a blind rage, you need a little relaxer.
But what is it about these small things that can cause such a stir?
I mean the world hasn't ended, but it feels like it.
Let's discuss...
Redditor ItzFlexyBoi wanted to discuss all of the things that drive us crazy, so they asked:
"What is a mildly inconvenient thing that annoys the hell out of you?"
I can't stand when business hours differ in person than what is listed online.
How does that happen?!
Get UP!
"When I drop something small onto the floor and have to pick it up. I've completely turned into my father. I usually roll my eyes, sigh as I bend down to pick it up, and then growl angrily when it takes a couple of tries to actually pick it up."
I'm NOT Done!!
"When a motion sensor sink turns off before I’m done with it."
"When I was little I hated the concept of taking a crap in the supermarket because I did one time and the automatic toilet flushed twice while sitting on it. Don’t get me wrong, automatic toilets are a great concept, reduce germ spread through touching a handle and whatnot, and they suck in execution."
"Update: used an auto toilet at a highway rest stop and it flushed while I was peeing in it. Damn."
Wire Snap
"Getting wired earphones caught on a handle and having them ripped out of your head. I instantly rage."
"This used to happen to my husband in our old house, mainly with pockets of pants. I never really understood how maddening this could be since I'm shorter and it didn't happen to me."
"We moved and now in our new place, this happens to me because the handles are at my pockets' height instead of his. I suddenly understand his past frustration at this small thing!"
Where is the HELP?
"Please remove the item from the basket, please add the item to the basket, and please wait for assistance."
"What they do now also is there will be different bays with about 6 self-checkouts per bay. Instead of having one employee watching each bay checking IDs, helping out, etc, they will have one employee watching 20+ self-check-out machines frantically running from one person needing help to another."
"Washing your face in the bathroom sink and the water trickling down your arms towards your elbows."
Seriously. Why does water want to splash all over us, all of the time?
"Charging your phone and sleeping then find out that it wasn’t charging overnight and it’s about to die."
"The wooooorst."
Not Again
"Having to wait 3 extra seconds for YouTube ads every time I want to watch a 30-second video."
"My biggest pet peeve is getting the same ads over and over again. Sometimes I have to close my eyes and mute the audio/look away because after seeing the same ad 100 times it feels like a torture technique out of a CIA manual."
"Even worse when it’s two 15-second unskippable ads."
1 ITEM Issues!
"Leaving something in the other room and remembering I need it after I sit down."
"Sitting down and your drink/remote/phone etc... is just slightly out of reach so you have to stand up again."
"I do that with the grocery store. Driving home when I remember 1 item that I went for and forgot."
"My husband can NEVER tell me everything he needs from downstairs at once. So I end up making 4 trips."
Lane Chick
"Getting in the wrong (slowest) checkout line."
"I ALWAYS get in the line where someone wants to pay in change, needs to cash a check, or doesn’t know how to use a card reader. Every. Time."
"Nothing like stopping at a gas station on your way to work only to get stuck behind the guy who's buying 75 lottery tickets."
"Or switching lanes and you end up in one that's even slower."
"Slow walkers and people who stop walking in the middle of a crowded area and don't move despite people being behind them. Head to a wall or seat and check your phone there, don't just stop walking in the middle of a crowd. FFS."
Library Volume Please
"People who listen to things in public areas without headphones. PLEASE I do not want to hear whatever crappy TikTok you're watching."
"My partner does this ALL THE TIME!!! We could be watching something together and she'll pull out her phone and start watching TikTok."
"And she doesn't seem to think it's rude. One time she did that and I paused what we were watching and said 'I didn't wanna interrupt.' Another time I changed it altogether since she wasn't interested."
"But if I glance at my phone once I'm 'on my phone a lot.'"
I approve of every item on this list.
But like I said, I'm easily annoyed.