A White livestreamer—named LouIz for platform IP2 Always Win—filmed himself going up to a Black woman and used a racial slur to ask her a question.
Loulz said:
"Excuse me, ma'm. Do you know where the [n-words] play?"
The woman, clearly taken aback, tried to get him to repeat the phrase, which he did while omitting the word. But then he started repeating the word as he ran away.
The video was posted on the site under the heading White Boy Summer with the caption:
WARNING: the following video contains racist language and violence.
#IP2 Streamer @LoulzIRL was just brutally attacked by a Black Woman in #NOLApic.twitter.com/N9lSNrh5Xf— IP2Always (@IP2Always) 1621994892
The internet's only feedback?
Hit him harder next time.
She have should hit him harder and multiple times— Nige109 (@Nige109) 1622150595
Got what he deserved— Madison Sims (@Madison Sims) 1622151957
That wasn't a brutal attack, he just got what was coming to him. She should have laid him out. I know I would have.— Liberal \ud83d\udc3b Poker. (@Liberal \ud83d\udc3b Poker.) 1622225605
You're a racist and a coward. You didn't have the guts to repeat that word to her face. You are a gutless worm, and your own video proved it.\n\nI hope next time you get even more of what you deserve. \n\nI look forward to more videos of you getting your ass handed to you.— Admiral Catsby, Ambassador to Cait & Kzin \ud83d\udd96 (@Admiral Catsby, Ambassador to Cait & Kzin \ud83d\udd96) 1622235238
LouIz then could be heard threatening to call police after the woman hit him.
IP2Always posted the video with an alternate spin, claiming LouIz was "brutally attacked" without context.
\u201cBrutally?\u201d That\u2019s a joke right?! He got what he deserved.— \ud83c\udf19Sleepless Person \ud83d\udc80 (@\ud83c\udf19Sleepless Person \ud83d\udc80) 1622307901
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. Looks like he found that out.— Slick \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udf40\u26bd\ufe0f (@Slick \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udf40\u26bd\ufe0f) 1622137546
Good. He deserved it. He wasn\u2019t \u201cbrutally attacked,\u201d he was taught an important lesson.— Thomas Newman (@Thomas Newman) 1622306706
Deserve worse. The f*ck was his goofy ass thinking?\nIf you ever walk up to a black person & say this, not only can you expect, but you can goddamn guarantee you're gonna get bashed. Notice how he chose a woman..still got that work. Try a blk man next time & film it. Worldstar!— MostUnkleen (@MostUnkleen) 1622120954
If only she\u2019d hit him harder. Perhaps it would knock the tiniest speck of sense into that head. There\u2019s certainly nothing in there now.— J S (@J S) 1622241312
LouIz has posted a collection of far-right rhetoric on his personal social media.
But his antics didn't fool the greater audience his video was attempting to reach.
A snowflake films himself abusing a woman trying to get attention, she stands up for herself, the incel then starts whimpering.\nDid I miss anything?— Donald Trump's medical dispensing nurse (@Donald Trump's medical dispensing nurse) 1622128088
Y\u2019all so this streamer @LoulzIRL called this black woman a racial slur then cried when he got hit play stupid games win stupid prizespic.twitter.com/7822dQIt9J— Avatar Wan \ud83c\udf0a\ud83c\udf0d\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udca8 (@Avatar Wan \ud83c\udf0a\ud83c\udf0d\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udca8) 1622160371
You got off easy. The next person won\u2019t hold back. We are not satisfied.— Sam (@Sam) 1622205724
deserved it, annoying little s**t— Melvin Baylis (@Melvin Baylis) 1622137242
Hilarious, should have hit u harder— kaisur khan (@kaisur khan) 1622110540
If nothing else, LouIz has proven the immortal truth of the principle of "f'k around and find out."
He sure found out.
And judging by he and his platform's response, he will try to find out again.