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Press Secretary's Description Of Trump's Pandemic Response Has Twitter Agreeing— But Not For The Reasons She'd Like

Press Secretary's Description Of Trump's Pandemic Response Has Twitter Agreeing— But Not For The Reasons She'd Like

President Donald Trump's latest press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, tweeted out that the President's response to the virus is "unprecedented." Unfortunately, Twitter agreed.

Here's what she had to say about it:

Though McEnany surely intended to say Trump has been doing a good job, Twitter could only agree that now President has ever been as unprepared and unprofessional.

It turns out this is far from the first time McEnany has tweeted out her favorite descriptor.

Sadly, the internet has seen too much of Trump to buy McEnany's pitch.

Twitter has never hesitated to roast President Trump over a lack of competence.

More people have died during this pandemic than during the entire Vietnam war.

Another unprecedented thing about this White House: the unrestrained praise every official is required to lavish on the President if they hope to keep their job.

McEnany should take her own advice. She can't have it both ways!

Don't worry, McEnany, a Trump press secretary being torn apart online is hardly unprecedented.