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Donny Osmond Is Trending Right Now Thanks To Matt Gaetz—And Osmond's Fans Aren't Having It

Donny Osmond Is Trending Right Now Thanks To Matt Gaetz—And Osmond's Fans Aren't Having It
David Livingston/Getty Images; Alex Wong/Getty Images

Most of us have been compared to a celebrity at one time or another, and people usually bring the resemblance to our attention because the comparison is flattering.

And then there are the comparisons that are anything but flattering, like when someone says you look like a Congressman currently under investigation for trafficking underage girls for sex.

That's what happened to seventies teen idol Donny Osmond when someone said in a tweet, seen below, that the star looks like disgraced Republican Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz--and Osmond's fans aren't having it!

Now, to be fair, it was Gaetz who the tweet was dragging, not Osmond. It read:

"Matt Gaetz looks like somebody tried to draw Donny Osmond from memory."

Not exactly a compliment! Nor is the hashtag the Twitter user included with her tweet, #MattGaetzIsAPervert, for that matter.

Be that as it may, you kinda gotta admit... Osmond and the three-term, probably prison-bound Congressman do kind of look like they could be related. Maybe cousins, say, or uncle and nephew. Everyone has their cross to bear in life, and maybe this is Donny Osmond's!

Regardless, it can't be easy to wake up one morning, open Twitter, and see that you're trending only to find that the reason everyone is talking about you is because someone said you look like the guy who just hired Jeffrey Epstein's lawyer.

What did Donny Osmond ever do to deserve this?! All he's done for the past 50 years is sing catchy 70s pop hits and play the titular role in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and do Vegas residencies with his sister, Marie.

Well, aside from fighting against marriage equality, that is. Osmond, a lifelong Mormon, has publicly spoken out against same-sex marriage, both in 2008 during the Prop 8 debacle in California and in 2015 when the federal government made marriage equality the law of the land.

So he and Gaetz definitely do have something in common. Be that as it may, people on Twitter were absolutely not having ANY of this comparison.

And several dragged Gaetz by pointing out some far more striking resemblances.

Homophobia aside, the comparisons seem to stop there: While Osmond is opening his next Vegas residency next month, Gaetz is reportedly burning through at an astonishing rate in order to pay for lawyers as the investigation into his sexual misconduct heats up .