With former Vice President Joe Biden the presumptive Democrat nominee in the 2020 election, all eyes are now on November to see whether he'll ascend to the Presidency or if Trump will be reelected.
As the Democratic primary comes to a close and a general election campaign starts to form, author John Pavlovitz asked his followers to provide potential slogans for Trump's reelection campaign.
He instructed them to use the hashtag #AccurateTrump2020Slogans.
Trump's first term was ripe for material.
One could mention the time Trump defended Nazis. Or the time that he sided with Russia over United States intelligence officials over whether or not Russia tried to influence the 2016 election (they did).
What about the time he edited an official hurricane forecast with a permanent marker to make a false claim he tweeted seem correct? Or when he told four American Congresswomen of color to "go back" to where they came from?
Let's not forget when he used congressionally approved military aid as a bargaining chip to pressure Ukraine into investigating Biden—a move that spurred an impeachment process in which he resisted any and all oversight.
And then, of course, there's his administration's botched response to the virus that's caused a national health crisis in the United States.
What about the commonplace occurrences, like the 16,241+ false statements, dozens of rallies, and thousands of tweets he's sent since his inauguration?
How does one pack such an eventful term into one slogan?
Pavlovitz's followers had some ideas.
Most people chose to focus on Trump's delayed response to the virus that's taken thousands of American lives and millions of American jobs.
Whatever the slogan might be, make sure you're registered to vote in November.
For a deeper look into Trump's first term from those who were there, check out A Very Stable Genius, available here.