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James Cromwell Helps Rescue Baby Pig From Slaughterhouse—And Gives It The Perfect Name

The 'Babe' star and animal activist tapped into the classic film to name the baby pig, who fell off a truck that was en route to a slaughter house.

James Cromwell; screenshot of rescue piglet Babe
Michael Buckner/Variety via Getty Images; PETA/Twitter

Actor James Cromwell, who starred as farmer Arthur Hoggett in the 1995 movie Babe, helped save a little pig (appropriately dubbed Babe) over easter weekend, and the whole thing is just too perfect.

The piglet reportedly fell off of a truck and was found "scraped, bruised, and covered in mud" on the side of the road.

When Cromwell heard Babe's story, he got involved to help get the little one transferred to Indraloka Animal Sanctuary in Pennsylvania — where the little one will be able to live a long and full life among the sanctuary's other rescued farm animals.

He said in a statement:

"Having had the privilege of witnessing and experiencing pigs’ intelligence and inquisitive personalities while filming the movie Babe changed my life and my way of eating, and so I jumped at the chance to save this real-life Babe."

He continued:

"Every pig deserves to live in peace and joy at a sanctuary, choosing when to frolic, where to forage, and how to spend their time, yet few do."

Cromwell shared a video of him meeting little Babe via video call on Twitter, and it is truly adorable.

The general reaction to Cromwell's video was a collective "Awwwww."

If you want to help support Babe and Indraloka Animal Sanctuary's other rescued animals, you can donate via there website here: