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Woman Mortified To Discover She's Basically Been Flashing Her Neighbors Thanks To 'Frosted' Window

Woman Mortified To Discover She's Basically Been Flashing Her Neighbors Thanks To 'Frosted' Window

Flashing your neighbors unintentionally sounds more like a recurring nightmare than a real life event, but one woman found, to her horror, she was living it—and it was anything but fictional.

TikToker Jill Santom was very disconcerted to learn that glass she'd thought was "frosted" wasn't actually frosted at all, and that almost every single night she'd been putting on an unintentional show.


His commitment to “fake showering” is impressive 💀

Santom had her husband pretend to shower near the window so she could see exactly how frosted the glass was.

The answer was: it was not frosted at all and the profile and some details of Santom's husband were clearly visible. Meaning anybody showering in front of that glass with the lights on is giving the neighbors way more than their property taxes are paying for.





Santom originally didn't think it was so bad...until she looked in her comments section.

"For those asking," she addressed everyone in the comments section, "we put up a temporary solution prior to posting these videos."

"But [we're] not doing anything permanent until we're done having fun!"

Santom posted a follow-up video showing that the window is even more see-through during the day.


Part2: I didn’t think it was that bad when I originally posted. 😳





But Santom and her family simply are having far too much fun with that window.

She and the rest of her family staged the shower scene from Psycho for the entire neighborhood to see.





They have also recreated moments from Titanic, pretended to be drowning, among other things.