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Anti-Gay Hungarian Politician Resigns After He's Caught Attempting To Flee 25-Man Orgy

Anti-Gay Hungarian Politician Resigns After He's Caught Attempting To Flee 25-Man Orgy
Echo TV/YouTube

The idea that "protesting too much" might actually be overcompensation got more anecdotal evidence recently after yet another homophobic politician has been caught in a gay sex scandal.

This time, Hungarian politician József Szájer (anglicized as Josef Szajer in some press coverage) is at the center of things.

Szájer, who was instrumental in re-writing the nations constitution to "protect the institution of marriage as the union of a man and a woman," admits to disregarding pandemic restrictions to attend a sex party in Belgium.

Authorities breaking up the party found 25 naked men, including Szàjer.

The right-wing politician was apprehended after he climbed out of a first floor window and ran along the gutter. Police have confirmed Szájer had no identification and his hands were covered in blood when he was found.

They speculate the blood may have come from injuries sustained while attempting to flee the orgy.

Because of his political status, József Szájer was released with "an official verbal warning" and transported home.

The conservative figure released a statement apologizing for his presence at the incident, which local police called a "gang bang" but Szájer referred to as "a private party." The statement accepted responsibility for any relevant fines he may face for violating pandemic restrictions.

It continued by announcing his resignation as a member of the European parliament and asked the public to not allow his "strictly personal" failure to change their view of his homeland or political party.

Twitter had a field day with this one.

We are unsure how this incident will affect his personal or political life, but we're certain there will be repercussions.