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People Describe The All-Time Best Episodes Of Television They've Ever Seen

Person aiming a remote at a TV
Erik Mclean/Unsplash

TV enthusiasts could argue that shows on television are a more compelling and superior form for media entertainment.

A story arc can be played out to its fullest potential without shortchanging the audience with a two-and-a-half hour duration of a film.

While movies are in their own category, TV shows–including short miniseries–can engage an audience over a span of seasons as long as there is more stories to tell.

Some TV shows break away from the formula and can feature anthology–or standalone–episodes that are impressive in their own right.

Whether it's a featured independent storyline or a memorable moment within a show's season, Redditor stevenpost asked:

"What's the greatest episode of a tv show ever made?"

These comedic shows offered up plenty of memorable laughs.

From "The Simpsons"

"Marge v. the Monorail"

– bloom_picayune

That Dark Mockumentary

"What we do in the shadows - 'On the Run' (the Jackie Daytona episode)"

– Bakedalaska1

Such A Snakehole

"The snake juice episode of Parks and Rec."

– GuinessForDinner

Touching Cameo

"The scrubs episode with Brendan Frasier. I didn't know a 22 min show could make me cry."

– metarinka

This classic TV show still resonates with newer viewers.

It's Hard To Choose

"The twilight zone episode monsters are due on maple street"

"The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices... to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill... and suspicion can destroy... and a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own—for the children and the children yet unborn. And the pity of it is that these things cannot be confined to the Twilight Zone."

"Will the real Martian please stand up is also a classic"

"Incident on a small island, to be believed or disbelieved. However, if a sour-faced dandy named Ross or a big, good-natured counterman who handles a spatula as if he'd been born with one in his mouth, – if either of these two entities walk onto your premises, you'd better hold their hands – all three of them – or check the color of their eyes – all three of them. The gentlemen in question might try to pull you in – to The Twilight Zone."

– theMothman1966

Here are some hauntingly compelling examples.

Based On The Tragic Event

"Chernobyl- Vichnaya Pamyat"

– hambone10

'... they mistakenly sent the one good man. For God's sakes Boris, you were the one who mattered the most.'

"Not the best line of that episode, but definitely in the top."


Shoutout To Firefighters

"It’s difficult for me to pick a 'best episode' from Chernobyl because in my mind it’s possibly the best television ever made from start to finish. Pacing is fast and there’s literally not a wasted shot in the entire series."

"Open Wide, O Earth is my honorable mention episode just for the inclusion of the firefighters. Full-blown body horror that hits even harder because it’s based on stuff that actually happened. The show has lots of excellent horror sequences but the firefighters arc definitely stands out as the most memorable to me."

– Hefty_Tendy

Picard's Wakeup Call

"The Inner Light - Star Trek TNG"

– Doit2it42

The Gripping Tracking Shot

"'Who goes there' of True Detective is a serious adrenaline ride. Great episode from a fantastic show."

– Smoque_

The Face Off

"Better Call Saul - Chicanery."

– earhere

One of the best episodes I've seen recently was from the penultimate episode of This Is Us.

After taking a break from watching the show after being overwhelmed with being behind, I was encouraged to keep watching it. I'm glad I did.

Not only did this particular episode profoundly give the beautiful show a worthy send-off, but it also helped me process a lot of emotions as I continue to struggle to deal with a family member living with a cruel mental illness.