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The Plot Thickens As Investigators Hone In On Suspicious Money Transfers Following Trump Tower Meeting

The Plot Thickens As Investigators Hone In On Suspicious Money Transfers Following Trump Tower Meeting
Photo by Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images

Buzzfeed News is reporting that investigators are looking into suspicious money transfers from Russians associated with the Trumps and the infamous meeting Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort had with a Russian intermediary at Trump Tower.

Federal law enforcement told Buzzfeed that two suspicious transactions are under scrutiny. What makes the transactions even more suspicious is that one took place 11 days after the meeting, which Trump Jr. and others attended on the promise that they'd receive potentially damaging information about Hillary Clinton. The other transaction took place immediately after Donald Trump won the election.

Buzzfeed reports:

The documents show Aras Agalarov, a billionaire real estate developer close to both Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, at the center of this vast network and how he used accounts overseas to filter money to himself, his son, and at least two people who attended the Trump Tower meeting. The records also offer new insight into the murky financial world inhabited by many of Trump's associates, who use shell companies and secret bank accounts to quickly and quietly move money across the globe.

It is too early in the investigation to determine what this evidence might signify, but people certainly have some thoughts.

Listen to Grandma. She always knows best!

In the court of public opinion, the Trumps have been tried and convicted.

While some appear ready to attend the opening of Trump's presidential library:

More as this story develops.

H/T: Buzzfeed News, Raw Story