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South Dakota House Approves Bill That Would Jail Doctors For Offering Treatment To Transgender Kids

South Dakota House Approves Bill That Would Jail Doctors For Offering Treatment To Transgender Kids

South Dakota state legislator and chiropractor Fred Deutsch spent Wednesday vigorously patting himself on the back online.

His accomplishment?

Criminalizing the treatment by trained medical doctors of transgender youth.

The state's GOP-dominated House voted 46-23 in favor of House Bill 1057. The bill makes it a misdemeanor for physicians to provide puberty blockers or offer gender-confirming surgery to transgender patients under 16 years old regardless of parent's consent.

The Republican state legislator posted his accomplishment on Twitter.

The bill carries a maximum penalty of one year in jail and a fine of up to $2,000.

It also will legally define sex as "the biological state of being female or male, based on sex organs, chromosomes and endogenous hormone profiles." But researchers have proven that sex and gender are more complex than a binary construct and five factors determine gender: chromosomes, genes, hormones, internal and external sex organs and secondary sex characteristics.

When asked who lobbied against the measure, Deutsch revealed it was people with actual medical degrees and qualified knowledge of the health issues faced by transgender youth.

But Deutsch lobbied with misinformation and horror stories.

Unsurprisingly, one of Deutsch's major allies is the anti-LGBTQ hate group and pusher of pseudoscience, the Family Research Council and their president, Tony Perkins. It was during an interview with Perkins that Deutsch made some of his most outrageous statements.

Deutsch later apologized for his false claims and lies.

People offered support for the children and families Deutsch and his cronies targeted with their lies and hatred.

Dr. Alexis Chavez—The Trevor Project's medical director—told HuffPost:

"[The bill] poses a grave threat to transgender and nonbinary youth."
"This bill actively contradicts evidence-based medical recommendations and restricts parents' ability to support their child with best-practice care, which has been shown to decrease suicide risk."
"Medical decisions should be made between doctors and their families—politicians have no role in this intensely personal process."

Others let Deutsch and his supporters know how they feel.

It is worth noting the same organizations supporting this law also fought to protect a parent's right to refuse all medical care for their child—including care to save their life—for religious reasons.

Hypocrisy lives on.