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Journalist Discovers Male Misogyny Debate Opponent Is Being Paid In Surreal Live TV Moment

Moya Lothian-McLean was in the middle of a heated debate with Connor Tomlinson about misogyny and gender inequality when she stumbled upon the fact that she was doing the live TV debate for free while Tomlinson was being paid.

Moya Lothian-McLean; Connor Tomlinson
Sky News via @mlothianmclean/Twitter

A live debate about misogyny and gender inequality between journalist Moya Lothian-McLean and GB News contributor Connor Tomlinson was accidentally and ever-so-ironically interrupted when Lothian-McLean found out that her male opponent was getting paid to appear on the broadcast while she was not.

Your rebuttal, Tomlinson?

The two were discussing censorship and gender inequality in the wake of the controversy surrounding Laurence Fox's comments about Ava Evans on Sky News when Lothian-McLean made the discovery.

She shared she was "tired" of the "patriarchal society" in which women "endemically suffer" from said inequalities.

Tomlinson interrupted:

“I’m sorry you’re so exhausted to be paid to go on air."

That's when Lothian-McLean revealed she was doing the interview for free.

“I'm not being paid for this interview."
“I came on because I wanted to talk about the problem of misogyny and the degradation of women in public life.”

She then made the realization that her counterpart was getting paid.

“Are you getting paid for this? I'm not getting paid for this. Are you getting paid for this?”

You can watch the moment, below.

Lothian-McLean shared the video after first noting:

"I was too busy laughing but now I'm reeling."
"TOO on the nose!"

She elaborated on the irony of the moment:

"Sorry I've just clocked - the man who was arguing society isn't structurally unequal for women was getting paid to appear in a 'debate' about misogyny and I wasn't..."

She also noted that she confirmed Tomlinson was paid to engage in the debate.

Lothian-McLean, in turn, asked for the same compensation and vowed to donate it to Beyond Equality, "who run educational programs educating young men on rejecting patriarchal culture in favor of a positive masculinity."

People on social media were floored by the insanely ironic moment that transpired in that instant.

You can watch the entire debate video below:

Moya Lothian-Mclean vs. Connor

Lothian-McLean later shared that she received an apology from Sky News, but she noted:

"... this isn't really about me..."
"This is what happens when we're cogs in a functioning machine of misogyny, working on autopilot!"

She also added:

"Also the idea I would be nervous to publicize this sort of pay gap because it might cause issues with future work... well! That's economic inequality in a nutshell!"

Nailed it.