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People Share The Dumbest Thing Someone They Know Actually Believed
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I'm always surprised to find myself surprised, even today. I know most humans are idiots but I can still be stunned by what will dribble out of the mouths of others; especially from those I thought were a tad... brighter?

I know we can be gullible but eventually, we catch on. Don't we? By a certain age, there is information we realize is just too bizarre to be real.

But I will say truth can often be stranger than fiction. So who knows why we think what we're thinking.

In this day and age of "alternative facts" I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. But I am.

Redditoru/Roerbakgroentewas wondering what sort of "bizarre" facts and info people out there trust as true by asking:

What's the dumbest thing someone you know actually believed?
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