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nazi propaganda

Far-Right Trumpian Dinesh D'Souza Slammed For Comparing Greta Thunberg To Nazi Propaganda
Greg Doherty/Getty Images; Stephanie Keith/Getty Images

Dinesh D'Souza is a 58 year-old conspiracy theorist from a wealthy family in India who:

  • dated Laura Ingraham at Dartmouth College where he was a foreign exchange student
  • committed a felony related to illegal campaign contributions in 2012
  • received a full pardon from President Donald Trump
  • wrote several books and produced several movies roundly criticized for their inaccuracies, promotion of conspiracy theories and incendiary rhetoric

Greta Thunberg is a 16 year-old Swedish student whose concern for the environment and the effects of climate change on the future of young people lead her to start the Fridays for Future (#FridaysForFuture) school strike with the time away from the classroom to be used for environmental activism.

So, guess which one is comparing the other to Nazis.

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