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Celebrities Come Out In Full Force Against Trump's 'Heartless' Response To California Wildfires
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Fires currently raging through California have done milions of dollars worth of damage, scorched countless acres of land, cost the lives of tons of animals and several people, and left a staggering number of people homeless. Relief efforts are pouring in from across the nation. People are mobilizing to try and lend a hand wherever they can. It's a crisis that's receiving worldwide attention.

The magnitude of the fires and relief efforts aren't the only thing getting attention around the world. Trump's tweet regarding the situation has people furious. Trump's tweet didn't show any sign of remorse or concern for the people or wildlife of California. Nope, not even the "thoughts and prayers" kind. What it did show was a lack of empathy, a staggering ability to victim-blame, a lack of understanding of what's going on or how forest management works, and a bottom line concern for money over everything else.

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